Sewer System Management Plan

General Waste Discharge Requirement

Following the SWRCB’s adoption of the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirement (GWDR) on May 2, 2006, collection systems became the last major component of the wastewater management system to be regulated. Treatment plants, including pretreatment programs, have been regulated for some time. The GWDR applies to all public collection system agencies in California that own or operate collection systems comprised of more than one mile of pipe or sewer lines that convey untreated wastewater to a publicly owned treatment facility, and requires each agency to prepare a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP).

Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP)

The SSMP is a document that describes the activities of an agency to effectively manage its wastewater collection system. 


Collection system management goals

  • Organization of personnel, including the chain of command and communications
  • Legal authority for permitting flows into the system, inflow / infiltration control as well as enforcement of proper design, installation and testing standards, and inspection requirements for new and rehabilitated sewers
  • Operations and maintenance activities to maintain the wastewater collection system
  • Design and performance provisions
  • Overflow emergency response plan
  • Fats, oils and grease (FOG) control program
  • System evaluation and capacity assurance program
  • Monitoring, measurement and modifications plans for SSMP program effectiveness
  • Periodic internal SSMP audits
  • SSMP communication program

Sanitary Sewer Management Plan

List of Critical Supporting Documents

Additional Information